Degaussing cables surround turbine
Residual magnetism is a concern for most industries. If left undetected, the resultant damage will only compound, triggering unscheduled and costly shutdowns.
Our trained personnel can conduct Magnetic Surveys and On-site Demagnetizing.
Causes of Residual Magnetism
- Magnetic tools such as magnetic chucks, magnetic base drills, and magnetic base indicators
- Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
- Induced magnetism through machining, abrasion,
friction between the parts and tools - Magnetized parts introduced into the machine such as a magnetized gears or bearings
- Prolonged exposure to magnetic fields such as power
lines, the Earth’s magnetic field, etc.

Gas turbine
Consequences in Rotating Equipment Industry
Electrical discharge damage can result in:
- Early wear on components
- Frosting, pitting or spark tracks rotating parts
- Increased operating temperatures
- Melting or welding or couplings and bearings
- False sensor readings and alarms
- Electrical runout
- Temperature spikes
- False vibration readings
Consequences in Manufacturing
- Early wear on components
- Attaching/adhering of chips, tools
- Sensor misinformation
- Residual magnetism in end product
- Measurement errors
- Impedes production processes
- Surface irregularities
- Irregularities in chroming processes
- Friction
Damage to thrust bearing